Peace Crystals

These 7 Healing Crystals Could Help To Offer You Peace

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It’s incredibly easy to get wrapped up in the chaotic, often uncertain, energy that surrounds each of us every day.  Whether it’s world events that have you stressed and troubled, or something of a more personal nature, what you want more than anything is to just feel a sense of peace, and to know that all is well in your world. 

Taking steps to reduce stress, and feel more at peace, is an important element of self-care.  Some people incorporate the use of crystals and stones into these steps, as they believe it helps promote a sense of peace and tranquility… especially during turbulent times.  Below are some of the top crystals thought to be most effective at bringing a sense of peace and calmness.

1. AMETHYSTAmethyst

Amethyst is believed to be one of the most powerful crystals for peace and tranquility.  It is a centering crystal, and it is used by practitioners to balance the emotional highs and lows experienced on a daily basis.  This is especially the case during times of stress or trauma, where they use it to dispel anxiety, sadness, fear, and grief.  

Amethyst is also thought to be incredibly protective in nature.  Its energy is believed to form a type of protective shield around the one wearing it.  It is common to find those in the crystal community wearing a piece of amethyst jewelry or carrying a crystal in their pocket, in belief that it helps to ward against the negative energy projected from others.  An amethyst necklace could make for a wonderful gift to someone who is going through a difficult time in their life, and seeking the peaceful, balanced energy this crystal is believed to provide. 

2. ROSE QUARTZRose Quartz

Rose quartz, with it’s infamous range of pinkish hues, is said to be a crystal of love, peace, protection, and tranquility.  Being in the presence of rose quartz is believed to raise one’s vibrational energy, allowing peace and tranquility to flow through them.  Since rose quartz is considered to be a crystal of love and forgiveness, it is thought to be effective at bringing peace to tense and stressful situations. 

Rose quartz is a good crystal to use during mediations, by either holding the crystal, or wearing it in the form of jewelry.  When doing this, the peaceful energy of the healing crystal is believed to surround you, creating balance while washing away negativity.  During times of stress and turmoil, some believe that holding a piece of rose quartz, or sleeping with it nearby, can block negativity and promote healthier, more peaceful sleep. 

3. JADE Nephrite Jade

Jade is a stone with an ancient reputation of promoting wisdom, balance and peace in those who interact with it.  There are several different types of jade, all of which are known for blocking out negative energy and repelling negative influences.  If turmoil is present in your life, jade is thought to help bring about a sense of quiet peace.  It is also said to cleanse the aura, purify the spirit, and rid the body of anxiety and other negative emotions. 

The properties believed to be released by jade depend on the type of stone.  For instance, black jade is said to be the most effective for protecting from dark, negative energies that disrupt inner peace.  Yellow jade is thought to provide purity, peace, and happiness.  Blue jade is believed to offer tranquility, reflection, and inner serenity. 

4. BLUE LACE AGATE Blue Lace Agate

Blue lace agate is a beautiful stone with hues that range from pale blue to the most delicate shade of lavender.  It’s associated with the throat chakra, which could make it ideal for those times when speaking your voice is a necessary step for welcoming peace into your life.  Blue lace agate is said to have a very soft, cooling energy to it.  It’s believed to be excellent for diffusing intensified situations, and also believed to be a great meditation stone when conflict is present in your life. 

Crystal healers believe that the strongest qualities of blue lace agate include: optimism, positive thoughts, calmness, purification, joy, cleansing, protection, and peace.  It is also what many refer to as a supportive stone, since they believe it elevates the vibrational energy of other peace-inducing stones and crystals.  Those in the crystal healing community believe that using blue lace agate for any health issues involving red, burning inflammation, may help to soothe and cool those types of ailments. 

5. MOONSTONEMoonstone

Moonstone is a stone with a milky (sometimes smokey), cloudy appearance.  Its name is indicative of its lunar associations.  Through moonstone’s believed energy, the natural cycles of nature can be better appreciated along with the peace that they bring.  There is thought to be something very grounding, stabilizing, and comforting about the predictability of regular cycles and phases. Moonstone could help tap into that. 

Moonstone is also strongly associated with motherhood and a motherly energy.  It’s thought to be nurturing and protecting, and alludes to the possibility of new beginnings.  If you’ve recently traveled through turbulent times, and looking to restore a sense of peace and wholeness to your life, wearing a moonstone ring could help keep you surrounded by calm, nurturing energy. 

6. CARNELIANRed Carnelian

Carnelian, with its shades of red and orange, is a warm and comforting stone.  It is associated not only with the root chakra, but also with the three lower base chakras as a whole.  It’s believed to be a great stone for grounding and balancing, especially during difficult times.  You’ll often see polished carnelians that have been formed into the shape of a heart.  This is no coincidence, as carnelian is thought to be one of the most important stones for promoting feelings of self-love.  Carnelian is also believed to be a good stone for enhancing romantic relationships.  A carnelian ring, or bracelet, could be a lovely gift to share with someone that you’d like to grow closer with. 

Crystal practitioners use carnelian to foster a sense of peace, as they believe it helps to release pent up energy.  Sometimes trapped energy can create blocks which feel disruptive and chaotic.  As a stone that’s connected to Mother Earth, carnelian is used in practice to stay grounded during an energy release.  It is believed that peace and tranquility have room to enter and flow freely through you, as energy blocks are cleared.

​7. AZURITEAzurite

By name, azurite is a stone that less people are familiar with.  However, it happens to be one of the most respected crystals for activating the third eye chakra, and thought to enhance clarity in stressful, chaotic, and uncertain times.  Azurite is stunning in appearance with brilliant colors that range in contrasting shades of blue.  These hues are formed through chemical reactions between oxygen, hydrogen, and copper.  Simply looking at azurite, and it’s beautiful coloring, is sometimes enough to brighten one’s spirit. 

Azurite is also known as a stone of release.  It is thought to assist in releasing negative energy and thought patterns that interfere with peace.  It is also believed to help provide insights and clarity as old, unneeded, or unwanted energy is dispelled.  Think of azurite as a cleansing stone that can be used in a meditation, or ritual, to dispel what weighs you down.  This is believed to help make way for a more peaceful, tranquil life.


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