Rejuvenate Your Mind, Body & Soul With These 7 Healing Crystals

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Everywhere you look these days, it seems that people in all different phases of life are feeling totally burnt out.  So many of us are dealing with feelings of exhaustion and overwhelm.  It can be difficult to know where to turn for much needed support as we work through being overworked and underappreciated.  Luckily for us, crystals and stones can be amazing tools to work with, that might help us rejuvenate, feel motivated and aligned; no matter how busy our schedules get.

Are you ready to find out how to use crystals to freshen up your energy field and put more vitality into your daily routines?  We’ve put together a list of seven great crystals to work with to help you get started today!

1. Orange CalciteOrange Calcite

One of the most popular stones used in the crystal community, to help with rejuvenation, is orange calcite.  Calcite is ultra-shiny and has a soft, waxy feel. In fact, a chunk of raw orange calcite can look almost exactly the same as a wedge of a fresh orange or tangerine!  Citrus– whether eating it, smelling it, or even just looking at the bright, juicy color– is said to have deeply motivating and freshening effects. The energy of orange calcite is no different.  Orange calcite is thought to have strong rejuvenating effects, which can infuse that bright energy into your aura, keeping you feeling healthy and motivated all throughout your day.

Try tucking this stone in your pocket when you get dressed in the morning for an extra boost.  When you get home from work, or when you’re done with daily activities, take it out and place it by your bathroom mirror.  Doing so gives it a break while you sleep. You can just pop it back in your pocket the next morning, or as needed.

2. AragoniteAragonite

One problem many of us face, in regards to our energy levels, is that our attention is split into too many directions– careers, education, family and so much more.  Aragonite, particularly the sparkling-golden sputnik formation, is believed to help you multitask and check items off your to-do list in all of the areas of your life.

For a fun and unique way to work with this crystal, try setting it beside your coffee pot to send some crystal energy into your morning coffee and really amp up your daily routine!

3. Nephrite JadeNephrite Jade

Nephrite jade is most easily recognizable as the stone used in jade rollers, which are so popular now they can be found in the beauty section of your local pharmacy or big box store.  Nephrite jade is used in these rollers since many believe it can have a rejuvenating effect on the skin. Additionally, this stone is also said to be a wonderful one to work with to rejuvenate the energy field.

Some healers in the crystal community work with nephrite jade to heal the inner child.  This can be a wonderful practice to try if any of your stress is related to just getting burnt out on all of the adulting you have to do every day!  Nephrite jade is also said to soften the heart chakra, so work with it by placing it in a shirt pocket, wearing it as a necklace or lying down with one placed over this chakra.  This is believed to help you express your inner child more easily and reach out for the support you need.

4. CarnelianRed Carnelian

Carnelian is a vibrant red-orange crystal that is said to ignite your inner fire.  It is used by many to help call upon their inner strength and remember their self-worth.  To work with this stone, try placing it in a pouch that hangs near your solar plexus or sacral chakras.  You can also keep one by your desk, or laptop, to remind you of your inner fire every time you sit down to get work done.  Another popular practice is to set a carnelian in a windowsill to help amplify the rejuvenating effects of the sunlight streaming in through the window.

Additionally, carnelian is believed to assist in giving us laser focus.  If you’re working on any projects that require your full attention, try keeping a carnelian nearby.  It might give you the fuel you need to roll right through your tasks without getting distracted by notifications, and your neverending list of tasks you’d like to get done.

5. Lapis LazuliLapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli, a rock generally composed of beautiful blue lazurite, white calcite, and specks of shiny pyrite, has long been associated with royalty throughout history.  This makes it an amazing stone to work with, as it is used in practice to boost your self-confidence and have the motivation to conquer any challenges you may be facing. Remember your inner-queen or inner-king when you work with this stone, as you might find yourself moving through the day with ease and authority.

Lapis lazuli is also believed, by many in the crystal healing community, to give our throat chakras the boost of energy we may need to assist with communication.  Try holding a piece of lapis lazuli in your nondominant hand during important meetings to help you speak clearly, and to more easily convey exactly what you’d like to say, whether you’re in a boardroom full of high executives or simply at dinner with your spouse and kids.

6. PrehnitePrehnite

Prehnite is another great crystal for rejuvenation as it is said to have the power to clear out old energy and thought patterns that are no longer serving your highest good.  If you’re feeling drained or overtired, it could be due to having too many anxious thoughts clouding up your judgment. After these thoughts have been mulled over and analyzed by your mind at all hours of the day (and night!), they can often become stagnant.

To clear out this stagnation and promote rejuvenation, work with prehnite by laying down in a quiet place, and set a 20 minute timer.  Place the prehnite directly on your third eye chakra, and take a quick power nap while the prehnite does its work. Can’t fall asleep? No worries, prehnite can still work its magic by just lying still and taking some deep breaths instead.

7. AmetrineAmetrine

Last but not least, ametrine is believed to be an amazing ally to help us feel rejuvenated.  It combines two powerhouse varieties of quartz together in one single stone; amethyst and citrine.  Amethyst is widely believed to help develop trust in our own intuition, while citrine is said to help manifest and bring abundance into our lives.  By working with ametrine, you might feel rejuvenation by following your intuition and saying yes to the things that feed your soul, and no to those that don’t.

Try working with this stone by placing it under your pillow, or on your bedside table, while you sleep.  Ametrine is strongly connected to the energy of the moon, so be sure to cleanse and charge this one under the full moon each cycle.  This will make sure it’s refreshed often and always ready to use.

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