Healing Crystals For Focus

If You’re Looking For Focus, Consider These 7 Healing Crystals

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Of course, you’re busy!  Who isn’t in this constantly moving and multitasking society that we live in?  When you find yourself so extremely buried in all of the tasks you need to accomplish, that you can’t fathom concentrating on what to focus on first, you may need a little help.

The good thing is, there are a few shiny little bobbles that might be able to assist you in zoning in on your target – whatever that may be!  Below is a compilation of seven healing crystals that are believed to aid in concentration, mental clarity, and purpose.

1. CLEAR QUARTZClear Quartz

The clear quartz crystal is obviously the most recognizable, and flexible, crystal in the vast arsenal of healing stones.  It deserves to be recognized first and foremost because it can be charged with any purpose that you set upon it. This is incredible news for you, because if you’re finding it hard to concentrate, you can just set your intention to use it in focusing.

This stone has been known in the crystal community to help clear your head of distracting thoughts, allowing you to grasp your goals and aspirations easily.  Clear quartz may also allow you to work toward your wishes with more evident intention. It can be wielded in conjunction with other healing stones to strengthen their functions, and also contribute to a firmer sense of focus and mental clarity.

2. SMOKY QUARTZSmoky Quartz

Another beautiful, and renowned, crystal in the quartz family that deserves mention is the smoky quartz crystal – mostly known for its uses in grounding.  You may think, “What does that have to do with focus?” To put it plainly – EVERYTHING!

If you feel overwhelmed, it’s going to be tremendously challenging to focus on whatever goal you want to check off your list.  Grounding is thought to help stabilize your energy and help you take sensible steps toward reaching those well-intended milestones.  Plus, it’s just plain pretty, and it can be worn in a ring or as a bracelet for a continuous dose of down-to-earth.

3. MALACHITEMalachite

The lovely malachite healing crystal is thought to aid in bringing focus to people who need it the most.  Those with ADD, ADHD, or other distraction disorders may find this lovely green stone to be beneficial in bringing self-confidence and success in getting things done.  Regarding racing thoughts, malachite has been used in practice to clear the chaos.

Malachite is also known to have been used in ancient cultures for various healing properties, and it has been worn as talismans and jewelry since times of old – for a good reason.  Not only is it believed to have fantastic healing properties, this healing crystal is stunningly eye-catching with its bold color and intricate white striations.

4. HEMATITEHematite

If you know anything about the 7 chakras, then you know that hematite is most associated with your root chakra – used for grounding and helping to clear negative energy.  Just like the aforementioned smoky quartz, it is thought to both stabilize your mind and help balance your equilibrium. Those with self-imposed limitations, or self-control issues, may find the hematite healing stone extremely beneficial.

Some say that the calming effect this shiny black stone has on their mind can be felt almost immediately upon holding it or wearing it.  Many crystal enthusiasts also report that this stone can bring focus and single-mindedness to any situation. Using this stone might just be the help you need to stay on task.

5. TIGERS EYETigers Eye

The wisdom stone, tiger’s eye, is believed to have the distinct ability to cleanse your mind of annoying distractions and to help with your determination.  Using this stone is thought to give you a tiger-like focus for the tasks you want to take on. Some crystal practitioners also use tiger’s eye to aid in their decision-making process, allowing their mind to be made up using reason in lieu of emotion.  When it comes right down to focusing, who wouldn’t want to have this chatoyant and semiprecious stone on hand?

6. FLUORITEFluorite

Fix on your target with the help of the healing crystal known as fluorite.  This alluring stone is believed to help clear negative thoughts, so focus can be put on the positive.  It’s actually said to be one of the best crystals to utilize when striving to maintain mental focus.

It doesn’t hurt that fluorite isn’t hard to look at, either.  This crystal comes in a wide array of colors – from clear to green, blue, purple, and even rainbow.  It occurs naturally in pretty much all colors of the spectrum. This fact, along with its reported healing properties, makes it one of the most popular healing crystals today.

7. BLUE SAPPHIREBlue Sapphire

The exquisite blue sapphire is known to many as being associated with the crown chakra, and it is one of the four precious stones known to man.  It isn’t any wonder why this stone is highly coveted and worn as jewelry by millions of people around the world.

Regarding the theory of chakra healing, the blue sapphire is thought to help open the third eye in order for you to receive wisdom from the universe.  It’s also renowned for assisting in maintaining focus, vision, clarity of thought, and single-mindedness. Wear this therapeutic gemstone as a necklace, or a pair of earrings, to keep it close to the chakra.  Everyday goal crushing might be in your near future!

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