6 Types of Healing Crystals For Your Pets

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Everyone loves their pets and wants them to live a long and happy life.  Did you know that healing crystals have been said to help do just that? It is believed that pets benefit in the same sense as humans, whereas crystal energy is absorbed through the body, providing healing energies.  

Although, what may be an alternative to caring for your pet, it should never replace or substitute a veterinarian for things that may require immediate medical attention.  Pets are sensitive, so pay special attention to their behavior when introducing them to crystals, as for some, it may be too intense. Some crystals or stones may be toxic if ingested, so it is recommended to research any dangers associated with the stones or crystals you are using.  Lastly, it is important for YOU to be centered, and well balanced, as animals react to any fear that may be present in a situation. This may result in a negative crystal experience for you and your pet. 

Now, let’s take a look at six types of crystals and ways to use them for your pet.



Amber is said to be a versatile stone, and it is thought to be a powerful healer of the mind, body, and spirit.  It is used to promote balance within the brain, to draw negative energy from within, and to lessen stress and anxiety.  The benefits don’t stop there. Crystal users say it can help with digestive problems, respiratory issues, and problems with the throat.  For pets, it is believed to be most effective when in its raw state. 

Amber is beginning to make its way into flea and tick prevention.  According to German scientists, raw baltic amber is believed to be most effective in doing so. Raw baltic amber collars work by creating a static charge on your pet’s fur that fleas and ticks disapprove of, thus driving them away.  Jewelry and identification tags have also been a common way to incorporate amber into your pets life.



Amethyst is a high energy, feel-good, crystal and it can be great for a variety of emotional or physical conditions.  It is said to be a good balancing stone because it used for calming and soothing high energy animals, and for uplifting animals that may be depressed or sad.  Many crystal users believe that amethyst can benefit pets with physical aches and pains like arthritis, swelling or general injuries. Amethyst is also said to assist healing of organs, bodily systems, skin, and teeth.  It is an all-around great protection crystal to have, that may help balance energies that have a negative effect on the health of your pet. 

If you find your pet stressed, fearful, or even dis-orientated the next time you need to cage them or leave them at home, maybe you should consider using amethyst to help ease this panic.  Hold it in your hand, or pet them with it. Place it in your bird’s cage, or near your dog’s bed, or a place they tend to spend a lot of time. You can even try placing it in the corners of a room where a cat may find interest in rubbing against it.  There are also collars and charms available that incorporate amethyst into their design, which your pets can wear.


Clear Quartz

Clear quartz is another versatile, healing-type of stone that is known to boost other crystals it is used in conjunction with.  Crystal users consider it a “master healer” that is useful for many ailments. It is said to lessen pain, speed up healing of injuries, strengthen the immune system, and improve the overall health of your pet.  A popular way that pet owners use clear quartz is during training sessions, or when teaching commands, because it is said to increase communication between you and your pet. Having a specific intention for this crystal is believed to help boost the purpose for which the crystal is being used for.

Keep clear quartz present, or hold it in your hands, during times that require good listening or your pet’s attention.  Place it under your pet’s bed for a week and monitor behavior and symptoms to determine if conditions are improving.


Rose Quartz

Known as the crystal of unconditional love, rose quartz, is said to be especially great for those of you that have rescued the abused or abandoned, and those with sick or injured pets.  Rose quartz is said to ease nerves and aggression, like for those pets that lack trust in you or are fearful. It may also bring love, confidence and affection. It might also promote your pet’s responsiveness to your love and aide in togetherness.  Aside from that, it is also believed to help assist with the healing of wounds and injuries.

A great and simple way to incorporate this crystal into your pet’s life is to attach a crystal pendant to their collar.  You can also attach a small pouch to the collar with a few stones inside, just as long as it is not too heavy and restricting.  Using this crystal may help when introducing your pet to new people, places, or things they might have a hard time accepting (like another pet or a baby).  Just keep it in places or rooms where your pet likes to spend frequent time. Using a crystal healing wand, in a clockwise motion over your pet’s ailment, is another technique you could try.  Work slowly, and notice the behavior of your pet to determine if they are accepting of this technique.



Turquoise is a multi-tasker, and it can be used for anything!  It has been used to give pets peace of mind because of its grounding capabilities.  It’s been used to help relieve problems related to the stomach, and to promote strength and growth.  Turquoise is associated with purity and for providing protection from bad energy.

Have a shy pet?  Try pulling out turquoise. It is said to help provide confidence when your pet needs a boost.  Create a circle of stones around your pet, and leave them be until they are ready to leave.



Agate stones are a type of strengthening stone that have been used to help promote focus and the balancing of energies.  It might help your pet stay stable and adapt to changes with less doubt or fear. It is also used to bring about a feeling of inner peace.  If your pet seems tired or worn out, agate can be energizing and uplifting.

This stone might be beneficial when trying to talk to your pet, because it is believed to open the channels of communication.  This can result in being a great stone for training purposes.  So, you can try holding onto the agate while interacting with your pet, or placing it nearby.  

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