10 Simple Ways To Use Healing Crystals

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Healing crystals have been growing in popularity over the years, even though they have been around for centuries.  In addition to healing, they are used for supplementing health and creating a balanced life.  More recently, crystals are used in skincare products, spas, and even as decor in homes and businesses.  Are you looking to cross over to the crystal side?  Let’s make your start a bit easier with a look at ten simple ways to use healing crystals in your everyday life.

1. Carry Them With You

Not everyone likes to wear their crystals, so the next best thing is to…carry them with you!  It is said that the closer you can keep crystals to your body, the more you can feel their effects.  Simply carry them in your pocket or purse and go about your day.  (Ladies, you can try the bra, too!)  You can carry one, or several, and this is all dependent upon what you feel your body needs that day.  If you’re working with a specific chakra, like the sacral or root chakra, place it as close to that chakra as possible, like the pocket of your pants. 


2. Sleep Next To Them

Sleepless nights can wreak havoc on your body and mind. Cue, crystals!  Many within the crystal therapy community use healing crystals for sleep, as they believe it to be very beneficial for a good night’s rest.  If night terrors, restlessness, or a racing mind has you awake at night, try placing crystals by your bedside.  There are many crystals to use for different things you may be experiencing.  Amethyst, for example, is thought to calm the mind.  Try placing the stones of your choosing inside of a chakra bag, and place them under your pillow, providing they aren’t going to be too uncomfortable to sleep on. 

3. Put Them In Your Rooms

Are you looking for an eye catching piece of decor to add to your home, that not only creates a beautiful statement, but fills your space with positivity?  Crystals make a perfect addition to any room/space in your home to promote good vibes.  Make a centerpiece for the living room coffee table, place them in your office workspace, or near the entryway of your home. 

4. Wear Them As Jewelry

Who wouldn’t want to bedazzle themselves in gorgeous crystals from head to toe?!  Wearing healing crystals as jewelry is one of the most popular ways to incorporate them into your life, and it never goes out of style.  Necklaces, bracelets, and rings are fun ways to wear them and express your own uniqueness.  Pick stones suitable for the purpose you want, but remember to just go with what feels right. 

Just like carrying stones with you, wearing them is no different when it comes to placing them near a chakra you might be working with.  Wearing a necklace near the throat is said to have the best effect on the areas of the body influenced by the Throat Chakra.  Crystal users will also tell you that wearing jewelry on the left side of the body provides internal healing, and wearing jewelry on the right side provides healing for others.

5. Use Them In The Bath Or Shower

During your next self-care Sunday, do yourself a favor and add some healing crystals along the edge of the bath tub for an out-of-this world, spa-like experience!  You can actually put them in the bath with you as well.  Many crystal lovers say that putting crystals in your bath can accommodate you with your healing work, absorbing negative energy, while leaving you in a tranquil and restorative state during your next at-home spa day.  Not all crystals are water safe, so be sure to check that before you wreck that!


6. Use Them For Meditation 

When it comes to crystal meditation, the most important factor is to set the intention for which you are meditating, and choose a stone that coincides with that.  Ask yourself, “What kind of outcome do I want from this when I’m done?”.   Some like to choose crystals, or stones, according to color, because they feel it coincides with the chakra they are working with.  Once you choose your stones, that’s it!  Place them in front of you, hold them in your hands, or lay them on your body.  There is no right or wrong way to do this. Close your eyes, visualize your intentions, and breatheee!

7. Use Them For Life Balancing


Family, work, your body… It all needs balance once and awhile.  Whether it is the day to day tasks or your mind/body that is pulling you in all different directions, it is believed that crystals can help.  Each crystal is unique in its own way.  Some are said to help you grow spiritually, and others are said to help provide healing or mental clarity.  Age old turquoise has been a favorite among crystal users because it is believed to bring good luck and protection to those who utilize it.  However, there are many other stones that you can choose from.  Crystal therapy practitioners will recommend that once you find “the one”, to keep it close by to help with imbalances in your life. 


8. Use Them On The Body

Another easy and direct approach to practicing crystal therapy is to simply place them on your body.  Take a minute, lay down, and place a couple of healing crystals over the chakra(s) that correspond with the crystal(s) you are using.  There is nothing to do here but breathe and relax.  Many within the crystal healing community have noted you can feel the energy of the stones moving about the chakras, while it releases the emotions required to heal. 


9. Use Them To Make A Crystal Elixir

Drink your crystals? It’s not what you think, but it is believed to be another unique way to improve your health and well being.  It is said that crystal healing powers are infused into plain water by means of absorption.  To indirectly do this, place the healing crystal in a cup, and place that cup in a bowl of water.  Then, let the crystal energy infuse into the water.  Some suggest placing stones directly into the water, but this is something that should be researched since not all stones are created equal.  When you drink the water, it is believed the energy from the crystals is being directly absorbed into your body.  Just another great reason to drink up!

10. Use Them To Make A Crystal Grid

Amplify whatever it is that you are working on in life by placing crystals in a geometrical shape or pattern, known as a crystal grid.  The healing crystals involved all work towards the same intention; increasing the energy of each other.  These grids are used in crystal therapy for a variety of reasons such as for healing purposes, love, prosperity, or anything you may need help with.  A base or template made of wood, paper, or mirror is often used when arranging the crystals.  Choose the appropriate crystals for which you are working, and form a geometric pattern on your base.  Once laid out, the pattern of crystals are said to help manifest your intentions quicker, due to the combined energy of the stones.  Templates and bases can be purchased, but if you are more inclined to make your own, then go ahead and get creative!

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