10 Healing Crystals & Stones To Keep Your Root Chakra In Check

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The root chakra, also known as the base chakra, is located at the tailbone.  It is said this chakra keeps us grounded, controls our survival instincts, and is our connection point to Earth.  Energy healing therapists believe your root chakra is in balance when you’re experiencing things like independence, trust, or confidence.  On the contrary, the predecessors of an out of balance root chakra are thought to be things like stress and anxiety.

Healing crystals and stones that are used to promote stimulation of the root chakra are often red or black, which represents fire and Earth.  Red stones, or crystals, are used by energy healing therapists to aid in things like passion, motivation, and optimism.  Black stones are commonly used to aid in various aspects of grounding oneself.

Are you curious to find out which crystals or stones are calling your name?  We’ve put together a list of ten healing crystals and stones to help you decide what you can start incorporating into your life today!




The hematite stone is well known in crystal healing therapy for grounding.  Some believe it is one of the best root chakra stones for transforming negative energy into a positive state, and also deflecting negative energy back to its sender by use of its luster.  The removal of negative thoughts and pessimism is thought to make way for a boost in confidence and self-esteem.

Hematite is also said to have the ability to help overcome bad habits such as overindulgence, smoking, nail biting, and careless spending.  It is thought that it does this by giving a boost to your willpower and courage.  Subconscious thoughts and knowledge are also thought to become more understandable on a conscious level, helping to assist with logical thinking and decision making, particularly as it relates to business and finances.

Some people who meditate use this stone to help stay focused and maintain a peaceful mindset.  They believe it distances drama, allowing for a reduction in anxiety while providing security.  However, hematite is said to only offer its full potential when it’s in direct contact with skin, and is therefore often attached to a necklace or bracelet.


Red Tigers Eye

Red tiger’s eye, also known as falcon’s eye, is used in crystal healing therapy to protect, and to enhance confidence and motivation.  It is also used to bring clarity by way of calming heightened emotions. Others use red tiger’s eye to enhance their self respect, love and care.  These characteristics are thought to make red tiger’s eye a good survival and grounding stone.


Smoky Quartz

Many in the crystal therapy community associate smoky quartz to having excellent protective and grounding powers, due to its strong link with the earth.  Like black tourmaline, smoky quartz is believed to transform negative energies into positive.  The healing crystal’s gentle energy is said to balance the root chakra by dissolving emotional blockages.  As a result, a reduction in negative emotions, anger, and mistrust are thought to follow.

Some believe this healing crystal also teaches you to let go of anything that doesn’t serve you, such as attachments to material things or unimportant matters.  In turn, this is thought to help you become more consciously present, and to overcome harmful behaviors.


Red Jasper

Red jasper is considered by some to be one of the most powerful and effective healing stones for stimulating the root chakra. This healing crystal is thought to provide a happy, optimistic outlook, and inspire compassion.  It is used for reducing stress and increasing focus, as well as for finding creative solutions to difficult situations or problems in life.  This coincides with the belief that it also promotes the determination and motivation needed for making and following through with new plans.  Red jasper is also used in healing crystal therapy to reinstate one’s boundaries by boosting strength, courage, and self-confidence.  This can be especially helpful when feeling worried and overwhelmed, or when facing unnerving situations.

Red jasper is not only thought of to improve physical strength, energy, and stamina, but also to provide protection in the spiritual realm by establishing a deep rooted connection with nature. Wearing or carrying red jasper is believed to help restore the balance of the root chakra, while eliminating fear and negativity.  It is common for crystal users to channel their connection with red  jasper’s energy by keeping this healing crystal in their pockets throughout the day.




Bloodstone is commonly used to provide a barrier against negativity and threats, and to promote courage and bravery.  It’s green and red color represents a combination of strength, growth, and fearlessness.  Its properties are thought to stimulate resilience,  and aid in helping to recognize the benefits of enduring a difficult situation. This root chakra stone is also said to help people be fully present in the moment.



Black Obsidian

Many use the black obsidian stone to protect against negative influences, as it is believed to be fantastic at absorbing negative energies on the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels.  It’s commonly used by highly sensitive people, who believe are provided a calming effect from the stone.  

This stone is recommended to be cleansed and re-energized after each use, as it is thought to easily hold onto negative energy.  This can be done by soaking in salt water for several hours, and then rinsing with cool running water.  Some crystal users also recommend leaving obsidian outside on a full moon evening to recharge with the Luna’s energy.



Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is used by many as a purification stone.  It is believed to transform negative energies within the body into positive energies, with its lower energy frequency transmissions and repellents.  This negativity force field is thought to not only protect against other peoples’ ill willed thoughts, but to also keep negativity at bay in the environment.  As a result, happiness, good luck, and a more positive attitude are thought to transpire from this.  These ideas make black tourmaline a powerful stone to help protect against things like misfortune and ill health.




Garnet is generally used by the crystal healing community to aid in areas of health and commitment.  This includes aspects of restoring low energy levels, supporting courage, fortifying survival instincts, and adapting to life changes.  Garnet is also used as a stone of love. It is thought to help with enhancing relationships by stimulating and deepening intimacy, and also by removing inhibitions from exploring your sexual side with your partner.

If feeling trapped in a hopeless scenario, then the courage and strength this healing crystal is believed to provide, is used to empower an individual with momentum in the situation.  The emotional aspect of the garnet is also said to carry over into mental stability against nightmares.



Red Carnelian

Carnelian, in shades of red, is thought to be an influential balancing crystal for the root chakra.  The crystal users associate this stone to boosting moral, self-confidence, motivation, and will power; giving courage to make positive choices in life.  It is also said to play a role in endurance, creativity, prosperity, and to help provide passion.


10. JET


Jet is used in crystal healing therapy to absorb negativity, and is thought to be great for balancing, calming, and cleansing the root chakra.   Many believe it helps to guard against ill health and violence, making it a great stone for protection. Jet is also thought to help with your personal abundance, and to take control of your life.  This is said to apply to protecting your business as well, by ensuring stable finances. It is recommended to clean jet regularly, due to it absorbing negativity like a sponge.


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