About Us

The internet offers an endless amount of information about healing crystals and stones.  As our interest began to grow with crystals, we found it sometimes overwhelming to piece this information together.  One thing we noticed was that there seemed to be a lot of overlap regarding the use and application of crystals. As amateurs this was confusing.  It was also difficult for us to find streamlined information about how to practice crystal therapy within specific circumstances. We felt this was partially due to things like: information being presented in an unstructured manner, topic content being too broad, and core content being overshadowed by too much indirect content.

We were hoping to find a more efficient and fast track way to begin our journey into this space.  Articles that were specific in nature, and to the point. A quick read that was fun and easily implemented into our busy lives.  It wasn’t easy to find sites that conveyed their information in this manner. Some met part of the criteria, others met none…let’s just say not all websites are created equal!  This evolved into our small contribution to fill that gap. 

We now aim to provide quick read articles that offer specific content in a summarized format.  We try to create fun reads that allow you to get relevant information which can be quickly adapted into your lifestyle.  Think of it as scattered information from all over the internet, compacted into powerful, structured content. We hope you enjoy!